
Dedicated 2 the Army that Supports ME!

Every 14 days, for 41 hrs they inject mysterious medications that we are told will save his life.  And two years later, happy to be fighting this horrible mysterious that claims the life of many!  Happy to be fighting for him, for them, for me, for you.  

F U Cancer!

I shared this story and people assumed their was a place for pity.  I wanted to share this with like minded people in hopes that they are able to see .....something else. 

I find myself angry at companies for taking advantage of my time or not making sure that the things there were telling me were accurate.  Customer Service & Education is essential.  Did someone forget to tell them that product knowledge is essential to success.

Before I knew how to ask for help or where to go for help, I relied on people like my bank, my phone companies, my cable company, my service leaders....I relied on them for accurate information WITHOUT having to share the fact that, "We are a family fighting cancer and it is expensive.  It IS life or death in some aspects! We ARE more than a policy. Our lives do NOT fit your training manuals.  YOU MUST listen to what I am saying to render a solution."

Whew! Now that I got that out of the way.  I guarantee you the information that I have gathered in customer experiences with AT&T, Charter Communications, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, WalMart, WaltonEMC, USPS, Geico, StarBucks, Fed Ex, & Walgreens are beyond detailed in experience.  However, one day I encountered an experience where it was became necessary to share with an audience so that I could find out if I was the ONLY one who was having these experiences. 

Will move on to that later, may I tell you a quick story?

We had $400 in our wallet when they knocked on the door.   "Ma'am we are here to disconnect your services, unless you can pay $395.18".  Paused & Puzzled.  I looked at him thinking, "Do you know  I  just finished cleaning up vomit, WHAT did you say?!"

We spent our morning searching for things that he could keep down.  I wanted to cry but instead I smiled.  The technician wasn't concerned with my dilemmas.  I know because he never even thought he should dignify me with an introduction to who he was or how my afternoon was going.  

He didnt care about any of that because I told him as he looked at my Mr. with such confusion.  Its not a purse its his chemo satchel.  I hollered.  I was angry.  He was changing my smile.  

I walked passed the technician with such a force it may have felt like a push.  I'd had enough.  I walked passed the cars and straight toward the company.  I had enough fight in me that I thought I would walk those 4 miles faster than the car.  

I arrived and requested the manager.  I demonstrated the lack of knowledge for BCU or fhtpz whatever all of those acronymns are I assured her someone had to teach her as well.  There is no amount of numbers that will convince me our bills go up when we are barely in the home!

None of that was acknowledged as she proudly stuck to the script.  She didnt know that I was happy to have that seat in the air conditioned office as I failed to mention it was 102 degrees outside.  

She got out all the bells and whistles going down every column and every list.  Her tone had already told me I had lost this battle.  Instead I took an opportunity to mediate as I focused on the lovely butterfly in the middle of her shirt.

By the time I had stopped taking notes, I was grateful to have been in a predictable situation if only for a moment; the money was still a necessity.  I emptied my pockets and walked back home.  I was thinking how dare you all act like HE cant be OUR first priority when I looked up and there he was.  He had hopped in the car after me.  Even now, he was my MIGHT in shining amour.   

Moments later I had to explain to the hospital why they couldn't have their $400.  I filled his arms with our lunch, our laptops, my purse, anything to get him to go away.  Im looking at the nurses thinking, "Dont you know what he is about to endure?  Let him not begin his day with your hand out too!"  In return they offered me an understanding but a reminder that there would be no more treatment without money. 

The end of a day that felt like a chapter.  

When I shared this story - my journey - -my truth, I didnt want people to have pity.  I wanted them to know DONT WASTE MY TIME its valuable!  

When I call places like ComCast Xfinity TV, AT& T, quoting  detailed notes of every person I spoke with, the transcript of the conversation, and the information quoted by their staff.  DONT WASTE MY TIME! Without question, dont waste my money! This life, OUR LIVES, are important.  If not to you then to us!  

In sharing my journey it gets so much more detailed! The story of each company I have encountered, their inefficiencies, their area of expertise.....I had to start writing everything down because my brain was at full capacity.  

I have full knowledge like a lawyer living her own case AND NO one wants to listen!  No ONE wants to assert effort in this journey of truth.  NO one has time but you dont mind wasting OURS.  I have been blessed with the love of my life.  My spirit is full in spite of our challenges, others dont value our time but WE must.  WE know what each hour costs and when you look in the eyes of a couple who was told ....well you know that part of the story.  

In short, I will keep changing the world. I will not give up.  There is NO obstacle you can throw at us that we can not overcome.  Stop wasting your time fighting and maximize your value in the positive instead of the negative.  

Dont remedy my problem, remedy yourself --the rest will work itself out!


PLEASE stop talking to a computer,reciting policies, & touching electronics more than you have touched another being.  

HERE is the best FREE gift of SERVICE & BUSINESS that you can hope for.  MY FREE consultation in writing for continuous review and memorization.  Application ensures you understand, receive, and believe!  I used to think that I would charge much money for this strategy but the world needs it NOW.  

  2. Admit to lack of knowledge 
  3. Seek Knowledge 
  4. Share truth & fact.  No assumptions. Time is valuable. 
  5. Appreciate your family and friends.  KNOW that the person you are (fill in the blank) is someone else's family and friend. 
  6. Know that YOU are not exempt from anything. Challenges arise at all times without warning.  
  7. Deposit your good PROACTIVE to minimize REACTIVE!
  10. Share your passion & gifts! 
  11. Minimize heart ache.  
  12. Stop giving fish! SHOW how to fish!!!!
  13. Love strangers, babies, homeless, & celebrities the SAME. 
  14. Spread Love
  15. Say good morning, thank you, how are you & LISTEN. 
  16. Pray for others as much as self.
  17. Hug people and smile. 
Thank you for your time.  Your opinions, your advice, your expertise, your direction, your smiles are all appreciated.  Please post.  The world must share truths so that we can help, heal, and love!

Be well. Be love. Be genuine. 

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