
Butterfly Letter: Gratitude


You’re invited!  #LifeClass

When:             Daily
Where:            Anywhere
What:             Love U More in Business, in Personal, in Self!  

ACTION:          Gratitude. Activate at Full Potential.  Empower Others.  Change the World! 
RESULT:           Overwhelming JOY. PEACE. Love.  Ignite Happy Epidemic!  Change the World!   

If I had mentors collected around a table.  Embraced in truth & authenticity I share:

Why?  People everywhere trapped by a fog so thick they can’t see their reflection in the mirror.  Recently in business and life, I have spent more time convincing people they are amazing than getting things accomplished.  

Is it normal for a person to invest more time in others than self?  That’s selflessness right?  Daily, I felt like I was carrying a world of people on a tray and running for dear life. At least that’s what it felt like.  I couldn't leave them behind.  “They didn't get it!  The weight equated to many people holding on for dear life.  I was going to drown in any minute!

I blamed every person I could think of until there was no one left but me.  Newsflash!  I was angry at myself.  My story was a rerun played too many times.  I wanted a new script!  The first round of transformation:  Letting Go so I could FLY!
Its so much easier to do that than to look at oneself!  I continued to get blessed with business diamonds and relationship diamonds at the same time! My persona at first meeting was, "Get back.  Don't try it and move on because I am already too much!"  
 I have as many engagement rings as you do fingers on your right hand.  

A soul transformation involves more emotions that one human being is prepared to deal with.  Just me?  “Did you have moments when you had to remind yourself, “I Got This?” 

Hold on a moment.  Pause to breathe. (Am I old enough for the hand on the hip? The story gets good)!  GOD pulled me into a room, pushed me in front of a mirror,  and I DIDN'T like what I saw.  I started walking until I felt like I had to run all the way to another state.  Ill show them! Ill prove it to myself!  I'm outta here! I can’t even pack my bags.  Run!   

REALIZATION:  I could have valued my relationships more with less ego and more humility.  I began to get to know myself more, asking questions with answers that choked me to swallow.

GOD led me, this force was pushing me!  He yanked me in front of the mirror again!  A transformation had taken place that would lead the path to one of lifes most challenging journeys! 

"#IAM Butterfly Sunshine #FearlessFaith Todd!  #NEXTDecisionBETTER
 I AM a ONE woman show for a ONE woman audience.  #ProducedByFaith in #LifeClass and always attentive, #IyanlaFixMyLife

I will be living in total character.  The director of my movie has taken great time in my designing my storyline.  The least I could do is give it my ALL, not just today, everyday!

When I stopped being afraid to shine, I noticed a light so bright.  It’s my Hollywood light!  God says, "Lights, Camera, Action!"

Que the music! Grab your Gold! Don't forget my Megaphone!   I can be & do ANYTHING I believe.  So can YOU!"

Journey Illumination:  Creating my circle, reviewing people invited to enter my peace - Diligently I read their blogs, watched their stories, read their books, and follow YOU on Twitter.  Thank you for creating such a magnifying circle of BEaUty!

All my light, love, faith, support, help, and hugs on your journey!  

Thank YOU for giving selflessly & authentically of yourself & gifting me with knowledge of such an opportunity of GREATNESS! I created my circle family and  must say what a handsome group you are!   We should take a walk and watch the leaves change colors as we explore the goodness life has to often!

Be well! Be blessed!

Let’s share vision boards in #BillionaireBootCamp (Instagram)?

This document is copyright of 820 Butterfly Management Group LLC © 820 Butterfly Management Group LCC 2012. All Rights Reserved

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